Wednesday, November 24, 2010


 19 yrs ago my son died in my arms on Thanksgiving day. He was 5 1/2 months old and had been healthy.  He just stopped breathing.  Thankfully the police were able to revive him 15 minutes later. Had we taken naps and were not waiting on more family to arrive we'd have never known he stopped breathing. 

It would turn out to be the result of RSV virus, associated with crib death. From that point on he spent 2 weeks in intensive care and batteries of tests.  He suffered from asthma growing up as a result but grew to be a fine young man who graduated high school this year.

We don't celebrate the pilgrims, we celebrate life on Thanksgiving. I am so Thankful for the blessings we have, my children and family. Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Travis we are so proud of you and your decision to serve in the military.  We look forward to your return home and sure will miss you tomorrow.

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